Hello! :D
Today I'm going to tell about some Youtubers that inspired me in life (and they still do).
I watch a lot of Youtubers like Smosh, Pewdiepie and CutiepieMarzia, Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil, Jacksgap, Tobuscus, Zoella280390, and others.. But today I'm going to talk specifically about the females Youtubers that I really look up to.
The first on is CutiepieMarzia.
Then there's Zoella280390.
Now, I started watchin Zoella about 2 months ago (maybe..?) and I immediately loved it. I'm "in love" with her newest fashion video "inspiring *.*
The last one is Kalel Kitten.
Now Kalel inspires me in a different way. She also inspires me in fashion but, because of her new channel with Anthony Padilla (from Smosh), in some of their videos she told how dedicated to her work she is and how she is doing what she always dreamt and this inspired me to accomplish my dreams and that's what I'm doing this year. The start of my dream may be near.
What I meant with this post is that we all have people that insipre us - maybe a relative, or a musician or a celebrity - and we look up the because we may see something that we would like to be or accomplish is some way or another, and we start to feel happy when we start to see some results in our personal life. I'm starting to be really happy because I'm studying what I really love, I'm at the University that I always wanted ( since last year, I'm in me second year but chancge course) and I'm making new friends that I really like.
To finish, I'm going to say that I'm going to be posting new blogposts at every Monday and every week will be a different topic. I have a notebook full with some ideas and the dates that I'm going to post :p
To finish, I'm going to say that I'm going to be posting new blogposts at every Monday and every week will be a different topic. I have a notebook full with some ideas and the dates that I'm going to post :p
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