Ice Cream :3

Today I'm going to share with you one of my favourite things to do: Baking! And going to show you one of many recipes I have for making delicious ice creams. My today's recipe is Oreo Ice Cream! 

~You will need~

*1/2 boxes of Oreos*
*1 can of condensed milk*
*1 pack of cream*

To start with the deliciousness, crush the oreos until they become little pieces and store them in a bowl. 
Then, you need to whip your cream with an electric mixer. 
After that it will become really smooth so you mix it with the crushed oreos in a tupperware and add the condensed milk.
 Put it in the freezer and voilá! 
A delicious oreo ice cream to eat when bored, sad or frustrated with exams and studying.

A good thing about this recipe is that you can try it with different cookies! 
 For example, I once tried with Chipmix and it was really good! I honestly prefer this one!. 


Thank you for reading!

♥ ♥ 

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