Hi guys!
Since I was a little kid, my mother had always tried to pursue me on to reading books since she had a lot of them and wanted for me to enjoy reading, and obviously I didn't enjoy because at the time I didn't see the joy of picking a book, reading and let yourself dive into the story. I was a late reader for the brilliant Harry Potter Saga and still I didn't wanted to read. I just wanted to play games and play with my friends.
At the end of last year, I decided to start reading because the book that I bought had a lot of good reviews online from Youtubers and a lot of my university friends also said good things about it. This book was "The Fault in our Stars" . Some people say that this book is to overrated but, in my honest opinion, I liked the journey and the emotions that put the reader into a roller-coaster. This was the book that made me want to read more so, I decided to buy more books from John Green and then decided to buy other genres.
On December 2014, my mother offered Zoella's book "Girl online" for Christmas and I read it in only 1 week because I got so addicted. On January 2015 I bought the Trilogy Maze Runner BoxSet and read them in three months ( 1 book a month). This year I bought so many books that now, as I'm writing this, I have 2 books to read and I'm waiting for 2 more to arrive this Christmas ( the Zoella's new book "Girl online on tour" and Dan and Phil's book "The Amazing book is not on fire".
But, the best purchase I made this year as the entire collection of Lewis Carroll books in one when I was on holiday in Oxford,England.
I'm going to leave here photos of my entire book colection and I also want for you to leave some suggestion on the comments.

Thank you for reading!
♥ ♥ ♥
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