Hello everyone!
Today I wanted to share with you something that happened to me a few months ago with my skin.
In the early days on April, I had the stupid idea of adding boiling water to a glass jug (I just wanna state that I didn't know it was actually glass). I'm not a huge fan of hot tea but I like to drink it cold and I thought that I would boil 1L of water and let it cool down. Obviously, this didn't work and the jug exploded and I burned my legs. I went to the hospital and had to wear bandages for more than a week.
That also meant that I couldn't walk for a very long time and I couldn't wear normal jeans. I had to wear loose jogger pants for more than a month and hydrate my skin a lot of every day. Had to use a special shower gel - yes because not only I had my skin burned I also created an allergy because of shampoo - and the water had to be not too cold but also not too hot since the skin was very sensitive. I had to apply a special cream - Biafine - every day to help the skin to recover.
I'm writing this because three months had passed and I still have to protect the skin now that the sun is out and beach season has started. I hydrate it with Nivea Cream every night before bed.
I bought this sunscreen yesterday from the pharmacy and it will be my best friend until the end of summer! It will give my damaged area a lot of protection from UVB and UVA rays and it's biodegradable!
I bought this sunscreen yesterday from the pharmacy and it will be my best friend until the end of summer! It will give my damaged area a lot of protection from UVB and UVA rays and it's biodegradable!
If you have skin issues don't forget to treat it with a lot of love!
Só uso o Pinz Buin pois é o único em que fico bronzeada (pois sou super branca) e sem escaldões. Esse já vi na Wells mas nunca prestei muita atenção. Beijinho